Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Is testosterone overload possible in toddlers?

This is our little neighbor guy Trevor. I've been watching him a few hours a week while he's been between daycares. He's 2 months younger than Ryan, and equally as stubborn. They spend a lot of their days arguing and fighting, but just as quickly turn back into friends a play nicely for a while.

Our new "wheel swing"

Joel recently put up a tire swing in our backyard. Ryan calls it his new wheel swing. The boys love it, although Jake was a little skittish at first.

More camping pictures

Our last camping weekend of the year

"Driving" the party wagon
Not really early birds!
Cramped sleeping quarters

This last weekend we headed up to Brainerd for our last race/camping weekend of the year. It was a lot of great weather, playing outside, chasing after the dogs who kept escaping from the camper, and visiting with friends. We were lucky enough to have one of Jazmin's nurses come up and pull a long shift (18 hrs) and give us a hand not only with Jaz, but with the boys as well. It's always a tedious task packing, planning meals, and all the other tasks involved with camping with 3 toddlers and 2 dogs, but the weekend away are worth it. It's great to spend the time as a family, and hope that we're creating memories.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Uncle Danny

Today is Dan's 29th birthday. I called to wish him a happy birthday, and he decided to come over for a visit with Braeden. It was wonderful to spend so much time with him, and my gosh has Braeden gotten big (er) and cuter, and is growing at the speed of light. Then we decided to have a bbq and Sarah joined us after work. It was a ton of fun catching up, playing, visiting etc. Here are a few cute shots of Braeden and some video too.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

More pictures of my kids

Another (not so) tiny visitor

We had another snapping turtle visit us this year. This one wasn't so small though! The last one was barely the size of a half dollar, this one we estimate weighed a good 25+ pounds. Amy and I went out and were snapping all sorts of pictures and having fun trying to get close enough to touch it. We were acting like 10 year old boys and screaming like 10 year old girls after she touched it and it hissed and started motoring across the yard! It was not slow moving at all. After a few minutes I ran and got Joel so he could help us figure out what to do with it. He went and got the wheelbarrow and a shovel and took it across the street and into the grass so it would be able to (hopefully) find it's way back to the river. I haven't seen a turtle that big since....well Finding Nemo!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Playing on a fall day

Jake still hasn't figured out what the seat on the tricycle is for.
Cool dude!

Musical chairs at the orchard

Are we happy yet?

A visit to the Orchard

Last week, Tina and her 2 girls, and Amy (Jaz's nurse) and my 3 kids all went to an apple orchard. We went last year, but the kids were a bit young to appreciate it. This year they really enjoyed tasting the apples, feeding the animals, and wandering around the orchard. We would have stayed longer, but a local daycare center was there, and it was CHAOS (so glad I am a SAHM) ! So we took off and headed for lunch at BK with the play land.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Tuckered out "mutts"

Look at all the tired mutts. Oh, and Bobby too :) Seriously, you know we love you almost as much as we do pound dog!

To Jenny and Tim

We wish you the best on your future ventures as husband and wife. You are two people truly suited for each other. Best wishes and congratulations. Oh, and thanks for throwing by far the best and most fun wedding we have ever been to. You really knew how to do it right.

And the real party starts

Let me paint a scenario;

Kids are at home asleep with a sitter.

The wedding party has continues to drink and party while we put the kids to bed.

We return, and the fun was just getting started.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


These are kind of hard to see, but I think you get the general idea!


The food was excellent. The atmosphere was incredible. The company was interesting, and engaging. It was very enjoyable and a great setting.

The Wedding

The beautiful bride basking in her moment!
Is it time to dance yet?

Short but sweet, it cut straight to the point;

Do you?

I do.

Do You?

I do.



Couldn't have asked for a better ceremony, especially with 3 kids not wanting to sit still and pay attention.