Sunday, March 29, 2009

The long overdue update

Ryan had his pre-school screening last Friday. He sailed through it with flying colors, but did refuse to participate in the hearing test. We're in the process of deciding on a preschool for him. I think we've decided on one, we just want to attend the open house this afternoon before we commit. Who would've thought it was such a big decision, but we want to make sure we don't screw him up to bad, after all, he's our first and sets the standard for how much we can mess up the rest of them!

Jazmin-naughty, naughty, naughty little girl. She's decided to become a terrible two year old, and since she's almost three-she's cramming as much trouble into these last 2 months as she can. I really don't think she's any naughtier then either of the boys were, but since she's always listened and been such a good girl, even the slightest infractions cause us to take notice. Her adoption is closer to being finished, right now it's in our boat to come up with the money to file the petition with the court.

Jacob-I think his vocabulary has tripled in the last two weeks. He talks non-stop and never ceases to amaze us in the words he repeats and uses correctly. He's in a major hurry to grow up and do everything big brother Ryan does. So far there hasn't been much he can't do, but I'm not looking forward to the day he finds something he can't do. He's still a little ham and loves to flirt with the camera!

Joel-has been working hard. Both at his new position at work, and with the demolition of our front entryway. We're doing some renovating to try and make room for the baby. He's been very creative in his efforts to create more room with what he have for as little money as possible. Of course once we start finishing the project it will get more expensive, but luckily we'll be able to spread the finishing out over weeks to a couple months.

Me-well, I'm doing well. The baby is a little gymnast and likes to give me Braxton Hicks (fake contractions) ALL DAY! My doctor said the more pregnancies you have, the more prevalent they are....imagine how octo-mom must have felt! I am very excited to meet this baby and have another little person to watch grow! We've set a date for induction, and Joel and I are pretty well set on our names, but both of those are apt to change at a moments sorry they're not going to be shared. Other than that I've been busy with the kids, nesting, play dates, appointments, and trying to nap whenever I get the chance.

Happy Belated Birthday Kendall!

I missed posting this last week, due to an out of town trip. Kennie turned 23 on the 20th! Hard to believe my "baby sister" is 23! Love you kid.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

An update...soon

I'll post a real update as soon as I can. I've got an OB appt tomorrow, and we're heading out of town till next week, so hopefully I can get a full update in before then.

Playing Outside FINALLY!!

Jake can't resist the mud!
It's too bright for him to smile at me!

Jazmin's been going as fast as possible trying to keep up with her brothers.
The weather turned gorgeous (well, for March anyway) so we've been outside almost non-stop the last few days. The kids, dogs, mom, dad, everyone is soaking it up as fast as we can.

Cookie Face and Wrestling with Daddy

It doesn't get much cuter than this!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

How can you debate this?

I've been trying to get the kids to take vitamins. I've also been on a quest to find one that will actually dissolve when they eat it so it's fully absorbed. I finally caved and bought the Flintstone ones after a discussion in mom's group. I was handing them out to the kids and Ryan said he didn't want one. I tried to explain to him that this is medicine that will help keep him healthy. I told him Jake takes it, Jazmin takes it, Daddy takes it, Mommy takes it, even the baby in mommy's tummy takes it. He said, "yep, but I don't".

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Surprise Jake!!

This picture is going to have to reappear at some point as blackmail!!
