Cecilia Grace Peterson was born 5/3/09, weighing it at 7lb7oz and measuring 18" in length. She had a bit of a rocky start, and spent the first 16 hours of her life in the level II nursery. Thankfully we were able to have her in the room with us after that. She has a full head of strawberry blonde hair, and is a perfect little bundle. We're very excited to have another girl.

Big brother Ryan was very excited to see her, touch her, kiss her, hold her, share his toys with her, talk to her, help change her etc. Jake could have cared less, as you can see by the look on his face!

Jazmin was also excited to meet her, but was not nearly as gentle with her as her brothers were. She was intrigued by Cecilia's pulse ox monitor, and kept trying to push the buttons on it like the nurses do to hers.