I thought I would fill people in as to how all the kids are doing, so here goes.
Ryan is talking up a storm (not sure where he gets that from). He is Mommy's little helper and truly a joy to be around. He never ceases to amaze me at how smart he is and the things he comes up with, good or bad. He definitely tests my patience on a regular basis and isn't always the nicest to his little brother. But I guess that's to be expected from a 2 year old.
Jacob is cruising around like he's been walking his whole life. He has even tried to run....didn't work out so well. He has started to pick up the sign language we've been teaching him. He now signs more, please, and all done. He is a little lover to everyone, and always has his little goofy grin that you can't help but smile back at. On the other hand, he's picked up some of his brother's naughty tricks, and since he can't communicate very well with us, he screams anytime he wants something.
Kaleigh is well over 9lbs now. She's finally grown out of newborn clothes and fits into 0-3 month size. She'll be 6months on Easter. She has a pretty little smile and a dimple on her right cheek. She's really starting to develop her personality, and temper! She wants to be held ALL the time. It's been a bit challenging trying to "teach" her to self-soothe. But we'll get there.
Jazmin is sticking around for a few more weeks. We're very excited about this. She's such a pleasant child to have around. She's starting to get stronger from her RSV and we hope to get her back off the vent during the day again soon. She gets frustrated being "tied" to a 9 foot tubing, especially since she knows what it's like to have the freedom to roam. She can light up a room in an instant with her smile. Jake and Jaz are good friends and love to play with each other.
It's usually pretty chaotic around the house, but we love it. It's hard to have a bad day when you are surrounded by 4 great kids that smile and play and love unconditionally.
What we did for Christmas this year.
12 years ago
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