Ryan, Joel and I all had Dental appts today. I got a clean bill of dental health, Joel has to have some minor work done, and Ryan was AWESOME!! They call this the "happy child" visit. If your kid doesn't stay happy, you don't get billed. Basically it's an introduction to dental appts. They counted his teeth, cleaned them, and then the Dentist came in and gave him a quick check up. The Hygienist said sometimes they don't even get past the counting with kids 2, 3, or even 4 years old. Ryan sat there like a trooper, did everything she asked and earned 3 stickers and a green lion toothbrush for his efforts. She remarked at what a mild laid back child he was.......if she only knew!
What we did for Christmas this year.
12 years ago
1 comment:
Yea! Good job Ryan!! I love it when kids have a fun day at the dentist :)
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