Still recovering from this last illness has made life a little tough. We're not getting as much play time cuz the kids are too tired, and over all life just still isn't much fun. This past weekend we attempted to go to an Air Show at the Buffalo Airport. This is when I discovered our double stroller was missing. How do you lose a double stroller you ask? Well lets start by retracing my steps last week. Wed we went to Walmart to get some groceries for Joel's potluck, I had the stoller then, but that's when I lost my purse. THANKFULLY an honest person found it and turned it in without stealing anything from me. Thursday Joel took his potluck to work-only to find out it was actually on Friday, and I took the kids to the MD. I used the stoller at the MD, and specifically remembered taking it out into the parking lot. Friday we didn't go anywhere cuz the kids were too sick. Saturday same thing, ran a couple errands but otherwise stuck around the house. So that leads us to Sunday. The day we discovered the loss. After some help from Kaleigh's mom (who was at the MD with us) she reminded me of Ryan's wasp sting, and that maybe I forgot to load the stroller after their appts. Once again, THANKFULLY someone turned in our stroller to the clinic and they put it away until I came and claimed it. I hope to get by brain and short term memory back once this illness passes, until then, if everyone could help me at least not forget a child somewhere.....I'd be most appreciative.

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It happens to the best of us.
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