"Cousins Playing"

Tug of war over the creek

Bobby is giving the peace sign, not flicking us off. Look closely.

Mud Bog wannabees

Thanks for the ride "gma" Phyllis

Thanks for the ride bro!

Lazy dog days of summer.

Every year, Bobby's family (that's Kendall's boyfriend for those of you who don't know) has a weekend campout. They do it at the same location, and same weekend every year. I've heard stories from Kennie about how much fun it is, seen some pictures, and all that good stuff. This year we were invited....one of the few VIP guests allowed past the gate, okay it's really the more the merrier, but we can pretend. Anyway, it was so much fun. There was tug of war over their creek, mud bogging, dice game, cake walk, swimming, horse drawn hay rides, fireworks, food buffet style every 3-4 hours (man can they cook!), lounging around, and just about every other fun thing you could do with friends and family while camping. The weather was perfect, and the kids had so much fun and behaved well too. We had so much fun, and hated to leave. These people really know how to have a good time, and thankfully they invited us back next year! We can hardly wait.
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