Last week on the way to Joel's softball game, we saw a police car with lights and sirens blasting. Nana looked at Ryan and said "Ryan, what's he doing?" to which Ryan promptly replied "going to bust somebody I guess".
The other night the boys had their baths and were running around the house naked as usual. Later, it was way too quiet, so I went to investigate. I found the boys in the closet, with a large poopers on a bill waiting to be filed. I was recanting that story to a friend today, and she said, "Well, at least he's paper trained"!
Ryan was sitting on the potty doing his bid'ness. He finished and I said "Good job mister", to which he promptly replied "I'm not mister, I'm Ryan".
Walking into Target tonight, to get some various items we passed a man walking into the store. Ryan said, without any prior conversing from me...."momma, he's not a girl" to which I replied you're right bud" which he followed up with "he's not naked either".
The boys were in the tub post playtime and supper. I was draining the tub of water, and Ryan decided to pee. I told him you're supoposed to pee in the toilet not the tub, to which he replied "but I already peed in here".
It's hard not to laugh when you're right there.
What we did for Christmas this year.
12 years ago
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