What time is it you ask? Well, it's time to add another member to our family. I am officially knocked-up. The four tests I took all said the same thing, positive. We're very excited to be adding our new member in the first part of May 2009( this means I'm 11 weeks). I know a lot of you are hoping for a girl, but remember, a healthy baby is the best baby of all.

It's about time! Did you guys have the Magic Bullet out again? ;) Congrats to your family.
Actually, it was just a regular blenderthis time, but it was making strawberry margaritas! I really need to stay away from that tequilla :)
I think I need to start drinking more tequila to get the baby cookin' in me. :)
Want to borrow the Bullet? :)
Thanks for the offer, but I have my very own Bullet now - I should whip that thing out from time to time. :) Wait, that sounded bad -didn't it?
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