This is what happens when the kids are asleep and there is un-guarded Halloween candy in the house. I wish I could deny it, but it wouldn't be right. I will add that I had a partner in crime, Amy, who ate just as much as I did. Unfortunately this picture was taken before we were finished.
What we did for Christmas this year.
12 years ago
Who the heck is Andy Guo?
Anywho, I'm proud of you - way to show those M&M's who's boss :)
I think he's just somebody phishing on blogspot. Maybe he searched for China....I just posted about it....who knows.
As for the M&M's, they were the easy one's, it was the snickers and 3 musketeers that needed to be showed who was in charge!
When I was pregnant our midwife used to tell me sugar makes big heads and big shoulders- having my first kid that did it for me. Just thought I would help:) Or you could just send me the candy- I am not planning on having another kid anytime soon so no worries about big heads or shoulders- any way I can help I am here for you!
Oh, what a great friend you are. If only all my friends were as willing to help as you were....the world would be a candy free place! One of these days we've got to get together, candy or not! I can't believe how big your baby has gotten, and I would love to see your new place, and farm.
I would love for you guys to come up. I think next spring when our sheep are lambing. I think the kids would like that. I know I can not believe she is a year already! Where does the time go?
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