Jazmin has been home since Monday afternoon. She's most definitely glad to be here, with her brothers, her toys, her puppies, etc! Until today, she hadn't shown any ability to be off her vent for any length of time. Prior to her sickness/hospitalization she was only on her vent from about 9p-7a the rest of the time she was on a "nose" (a small barrel shaped filter that keeps debris from getting into her trach, and is supposed to warm the air up). Today Amy and I did a trial run to see how she would respond to a few minutes on her nose. We did have to turn up her oxygen to 1.5 liters, but after a couple hours we were able to turn it back down to .5 liters! That's right I said HOURS! The kiddo was amazing. She was so ready to be off her vent and move around freely and...yes get into trouble. She went down for nap on her vent, but upon waking spent the rest of the evening off her vent, and is now asleep on her vent without any oxygen at all!! Talk about a resilient kid! I hope she can continue at this rate of healing and get back to her old self again...troublemaker and all.
What we did for Christmas this year.
12 years ago
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