Thursday, July 16, 2009

Back to the real world

Tomorrow we head home from our vacation. I feel bittersweet about that because it didn't really feel like we did a whole lot on our vacation, but yet as soon as we get home Joel's sister is getting married which is very exciting. Overall it was a fun vacation, it was just hard to switch from fishing and "wilderness" mode to resort mode and a fishing trip that yielded me 1 fish. I know the kids had fun despite the weather and being trapped indoors a lot. They are such adaptable little creatures. I'll try to find a few more pictures of the vacation and post them, but it'll probably be a few days. Since the groom's family is from out of state it will be a busy weekend. There's a boat cruise on Saturday, snacks and pictures before the ceremony, and the reception on Sunday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A vacation, any vacation, is worth it!

Congrats to Katje! Have a great weekend!