Friday, September 25, 2009

It's Official

Jazmin Jane Peterson

We are so excited that the adoption is official and we can now say she is our daughter, not our "foster daughter". It was a wonderful day, the judge was awesome, gave the kids toys, let them play with the gavel, and was genuinely overjoyed for us. We had the official court hearing at 8:30 this morning, and then headed back to the house for a little brunch.


Anonymous said...

Whoo hoo! That must feel pretty darn good. 2 boys and 2 girls...Pete, I think it's time for a little "medical intervention". ;)

mom2ryanjakejazandcecilia said...

Chicka, we're just getting started!

Duskwind Farm said...

I am so happy for you guys- what a lucky little girl!
