Monday, October 19, 2009

H1N1 Hits the Peterson Household

Mister Ryan has the H1N1. We're not happy about this obviously, but we're doing what we can to prevent further spread. Jazmin is going on Tamiflu, We've got Purell all over the house, we've cancelled everything we had planned for the week, and we're saying our prayers hoping it doesn't go any further than our front door. We're not overly concerned about this since the "regular flu's" complication rate is much higher than the H1N1, but it never hurts to take precautions. We all still plan to get vaccinated as soon as it becomes available, if for no other reason than to protect others from getting it. This winter doesn't look very appealing as far as viruses/illnesses go, but we'll do our best to stay healthy and keep from furthering the spread of germs any way we can.

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