Here's Baby Kaleigh the day we brought her home from the NICU. She was 2 1/2 months old and weighed 4 1/2 lbs. She was our first foster child (for those who didn't know).

Here's Baby Kaleigh on Braeden's baptism. She was already returned to her parent's at this point, but we "stole" her for the day so our families could say goodbye. She's roughly 9 months old in this picture.

In a round about way, we discovered Kaleigh and her family were living in the neighborhood up behind ours. One day, her mom decided to walk down with all the kids for a visit. It was nice to see her again. She's gotten so big, although still a peanut for her age. Apparently as they were leaving she told her mom "that was "my Abby's house", where I lived".
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