We had to find another nursing agency for baby Kaleigh. They kept dragging their feet, and actually delayed us coverage another 30 days or more!! It's such a disappointment to me because I've always had such good things to say about them. So we're on to another one. They seem to be very diligent in trying to help, but due to the previous agency's slow actions, they aren't able to speed things along any faster. It's very frustrating going through this process. I know some of the "behind the scenes" stuff seeing as I've been in this field for almost 4 years, and I'm already overwhelmed, I can't imagine what a lay person must feel like. Well, enough on that subject or I'll just get worked up.
Ryan is starting to reach the terrible twos. I think more than anything he just needs to get outside to play and burn off all his extra energy. It's really hard to do that with the little ones, so in the meantime we've been trying to do as many play dates as possible and take him with on any "one on one" errands if possible. His pre-school starts up again in two weeks, and that will be really nice. It's two days a week for and hour and a half, and he gets to play with all his friends, and the toys at the school. It's a lot of fun for him. Jake goes to the school childcare so I can be in class with Ryan. He loves it and the gals ogle over his hair all the time!
Jake is starting to let go of things on his own and try to balance. Before he would only do it if we let go of him in the middle of the room. He's also discovered the push toys make it easy for him to walk! He does things at his own pace that's for sure.
We still don't have our washing machine fixed. It's been 8 weeks since the repair guy came out. First he thought it was the computer, and after that finally came in-4 weeks later, he discovered it was actually a faulty motor. So he ordered that, and just when I finally thought I was going to get my washer back, he says "they sent the wrong motor" GRRRR! So now it's going to be another weekend of hauling 8+ loads of laundry to my in-laws to wash. They've been a great help, and it's nice to see them every weekend, but I'll be glad when I can wash clothes at home again.
On a positive note, I got all my Christmas decorations down and got everything dusted and put away, so that's a huge burden off my list! Now it's time to plan a birthday party for Jake! Hard to believe he's almost one.