A while back, I think in early November, my friend Katie started to teach me to knit. I caught on to a couple basic stitches and thought.....this isn't so hard, I'm going to make a blanket. So I bought some yarn and decided to knit a blanket for my soon to be nephew. I had 6 weeks till the baby shower and figured that it would be more than enough time to complete it. I worked diligently on it almost every night for 3 weeks. Then one day I left it unattended, and Ryan pulled it off the needles and I had to start over. I was upset, but figured I could use the practice and this time I would really do it right. Well, needless to say, I lost my motivation to have it done by the baby shower, and then his birth, so I have been really trying to get it completed so maybe I could get it to him before he's a month old. Well, while my friend Katie had Kaleigh and the boys were napping, I figured I could probably complete it. So I sat down and worked on it for over an hour before Jake started making noise and I had to quit. I put it under my pillow because I was in the middle of a row and didn't have time to complete it. Then I took a blanket and put it over my pillow....for added protection. Well, somehow Ryan managed to find 15 seconds of no supervision, and he took it upon himself to get into a little trouble. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves as to what actually transpired. I suppose I could have wrapped the yarn back up and started over (again), but sometimes you just have to make a point. So, sorry baby Braeden, no blanket for you. Maybe I'll make you some booties, they take a lot less time and are easier to hide!
What we did for Christmas this year.
12 years ago
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