Over the last few days, we unfortunately were stricken with yet another bug. I'm not sure where it came from, but it's nasty. Ryan has bronchitis, and Jake and I both have viral respiratory infections. I'm tolerating now that he gave me some good cough medicine, and Ryan's on antibiotics, so he started feeling better right away. Jake on the other hand, is getting hit hard. He's wheezing almost non-stop, and the albuterol nebs aren't helping. The urgent care MD put him on Prednisone (a steroid) but after talking to our regular pediatrician today, and asking why it wasn't helping he informed me that Prednisone isn't appropriate for a viral infection. He said as long as he's still drinking fluids he didn't need to be seen. But since the wheezing has gotten worse, I'll be taking Jake to see him tomorrow morning. That's assuming we make it through the night without an ER visit.
Thankfully, Kaleigh hasn't shown any symptoms yet, which is a miracle. It would be devastating if she caught this. Preemies are predisposed to respiratory problems. We're doing our best to keep her away from the kids. A big thank you to my friend Katie who came and picked her up today and took her home for the afternoon. It allowed us to all rest at the same time, and it was 6 less hours Kaleigh was exposed.....
We'll hopefully get some sleep tonight without too many coughing fits and take Jake to the pediatrician in the morning.
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