We took the boys sledding again. We went to a local hill we tried earlier in the season. It's very close by, and just the perfect size. With the warm spell we've been having, the hill was very packed down. You could go really far on just a normal sled. One spot was super icy, and the kids were going down it without sleds. Ryan saw this, and thought he should try it. We were a little leary at first. Most of the kids looked over 6 and Ryan's just 2. But, we let him do it. He then proceeded to do it about 15 more times!! He loved it, and eventually started trying to go back down when he was only 1/2 way up the hill, he just couldn't wait to get to the top. We also brought Great Grandma Peterson with us. She was able to enjoy watching us all sled, and got lots of good pictures on her camera too.
What we did for Christmas this year.
12 years ago
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