A long time ago, my mom and Dan nicknamed Ryan Taz. They called him this due to his propensity to go from room to room and destroy it in the blink of an eye. It only gets worse when he gets tired. Also a long time ago, Joel and I transitioned Ryan into a toddler bed. He did great, but for some reason after a few months he decided he wouldn't sleep in it anymore, and went back to his crib. Today when I put the boys down for naps, Ryan figured out how to crawl out of his crib. I had a couple large piles of Kaleigh's clothes on Jake's dresser to put away (after the room switch Jaz got her dresser). I was having a meeting with our social worker and suddenly heard a lot of commotion from the kid's room. Ryan had tossed all the clothes, diapers, humidifier, and basket of lotions off the dresser, ripped the sheets off Kaleigh's crib, and was making Jake seriously mad by being in his crib while Jake wanted to sleep. What a stinker. I couldn't help but reach for my camera.
What we did for Christmas this year.
12 years ago
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