Joel has transitioned into his new position (which I forgot to mention...he got a promotion into the IT department-still with Medtronic. Congratulations honey, we're very proud of you.) very smoothly. He's still learning what's expected of him, but I have the utmost confidence that he will as usual exceed all expectations and prove to be a valued employee.
I am cruising right along with this pregnancy. The baby is very active and thankfully isn't giving me near the heartburn Jake did. Aside from being tired all the time (still) I feel great, and am anxious to meet this baby.
Ryan is an incredible little guy. He mastered potty training (after I had completely given up hope) virtually overnight. He is always saying or doing something that amazes me. Whether it's reciting every gift he got for Christmas, helping Jazmin walk through the house, or saying the greatest things like "mommy, you sure look pretty today". He's also in the "why" and "what for" stage.
Jazmin is cruising on two feet almost everywhere now. She's really using her sign language as well as mouthing and trying to speak a ton of words. Her favorite is stop and no! She's gotten to be a bit naughty lately, which is a blessing in disguise. She's learning independence and that's wonderful, most of the time :)
Jacob is a heart breaker. He can do something super naughty and I can be so mad at him, but when I send him to his room he says "okay" in a little sing song voice, and I can't help but turn away so he doesn't see me smile. He will ask me "dat momma?" and I'll answer him, and no matter what the answer is he says "oohh" like I just spouted out the most interesting thing he's ever heard. He loves to read books. There's not enough time in the day to read all the books he wants read over and over and over. He's talking nonstop and is also a bit on the naughty side more often than not lately!
Overall things are great in the Peterson household, just non-stop busy and on the go! This weekend we'll be having a dual birthday party for Braeden who turned 1 on Monday, and Jake who'll be turning 2 on Thursday. It should be a lot of fun with family and friends.
Check back soon, I'm still hoping to get the Santa picture on here, and I have ultrasound pictures to share too.
What we did for Christmas this year.
12 years ago
Brief huh? ;) Sounds like everyone is doing great - glad to hear it!
Consider the source!
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