Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas Morning

A photo of our tree on Christmas eve, before the kids woke up, but after Santa delivered presents.

Santa brought Jazmin a rocking chair that she loves.

Santa brought Jacob a two-wheeled motorcycle bike!

Santa brought Ryan a "green big boy bike" just like he asked for, because he has successfully potty trained...Santa followed mom and dad's stipulations!Duchess, and Duke both got monster rawhide bones.
I got a few extra winks. After all, Santa couldn't carry all those presents outa the basement alone (we don't have a chimney), or assemble them by himself!

Jacob's new step stool from his great uncle Tim.

Towers are only fun if you knock them down!

Ryan's new box from his great uncle Tim. Just what he needed to store some cars in!


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you guys had a nice Christmas. I bet the boys can't wait for that snow to melt so they can ride those bikes around.

mom2ryanjakejazandcecilia said...

Lucky for us our garage is heated! The kids get to ride bikes and play in there almost day!

Anonymous said...

It has to be nice to have that extra space too! Lucky.