Thursday, June 26, 2008

Farwell Miss Kaleigh

Last Friday the 20th Kaleigh was officially reunited with her parents. It was a long journey for them to get clean and find suitable living quarters, but they've done it and earned their babies back! We are very happy for them, and truly wish them the best. Everyone expected it to be a sad day for us, but reunification is the ultimate goal in foster care. It's been what we've been working toward with them since they day we brought her home. It won't be easy for them raising triplets +1, but I'm sure they'll find a way to make it work.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

On the boat again, just can't wait to get on the boat again

Ryan's Diet Coke (well Daddy's)
Jake loves cheese!
Driving the boat

The boat is finally fixed and ready for action. We took it out a few times this past week, it was so nice to have it back!

Braeden's Baptism

This last weekend Braeden was baptised. Kendall and I along with Sarah's brother Josh are the Godparents. It was uncanny how much he and Ryan looked alike at that age. They were both roughly 5 months when these shots were taken. Both wearing the same baptismal gown their parents wore, made by Doris Heins.

Happy Birthday Colt

Ryan's friend Colt turned the big 3 this last weekend. It was a fun party with lots of water, cake and toys. Makes me wish my kids had summer birthdays.

Duchess has a rough week

Poor Duchee, first she scraped off the skin on her front pads and Kennie and I had to trim it off and bandage her up. Then later that same week, I discovered she has tapeworms! YUK YUK DOUBLE YUK! I won't go in to detail on how I figured it out, but it was gross. I called the vet and took her in to get de-wormed. And although any "segments" as they're called that found there way out of her die shortly there after, I still washed every rug, bedding, pillow, blanket etc in the house. Hopefully we're in the clear now.

Playing with Uncle Danny and Cousin Braeden

Play together...pee together

These two boys are something! They get along better than most adults! They were in the backyard playing in the new pool, and I turned around and found them peeing together on the same tree. Well, I'm not actually sure they went, more likely just practicing, but hey better than peeing in the pool.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

A second chance

Well, like most issues involved in raising a second born child, we learn from the mistakes we made with the first. I buzzed Jake's hair this morning, and although he didn't sit nice and still like Ryan did, I was able to do a much better job.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Playing outside

Playing outside this afternoon, the boys discovered where our drain tile outspout is. They've seen it before, but never really taken an interest. Today, they did.

Momma what did you do?

Last summer I paid good money to have Ryan's head buzzed short for the summer. This year, I decided I could do it myself with my newly purchased hair clipper (garage sale $3). It started out really well. I gave him kind of a mohawk look. We went and showed Joel, who surprisingly thought it looked really great. Then I decided to take a scissor to it and trim the long hairs up a little so they would stand up. Well, that didn't work, so I put a different guard on and tried buzzing it, well that really didn't work, so I gave up-hey I'm a nurse not a stylist. I took the guard off completely, and buzzed off the mohawk. Unfortunately, I forgot that when I did the rest of his hair, I used a #1 guard, so now he has a kind of "reverse mohawk" look going. Ryan could care less, he's just looking all over the house for his hair...."where did it go" he keeps asking, and feeling his head. Joel is a bit embarrassed I think, but like he said, it'll grow back. Now I just have to get Jake Fly Swat .

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

How cute can one kid be?

Don't his cheeks and lips just scream "kiss me"!

Double Ear Infection...we know why

I stuck my finger in Jake's mouth the other day (dangerous I know) and low and behold the kid is cutting 5 teeth! 4 molars and 1 eye tooth, poor guy. At least now we know why he had double ear infection. Ryan quickly recovered from his pneumonia once they determined that's what it was and got him on antibiotics. I had lingering bronchitis, but started a new inhaler, and it too quickly disappeared. I don't want to jinx it, but it would appear our household is actually healthy again!

Father's Day

The boys and I came home early on Father's day, picked up Kaleigh and headed to my Dad and Debby's house for a BBQ. We got there shortly after Dan, Sarah, and Braeden. It was a nice afternoon spent visiting, ogling the remodel jobs, eating, and playing. After supper they surprised us (me) with an early birthday cake from DQ. I even got to take some leftover cake home for Joel...he was thrilled!

A little visitor

While camping, we stumbled upon a little turtle in our "backyard". It appeared to be digging a hole, we assumed to lay eggs. I was hoping to get more pictures once the eggs were there, but the turtle disappeared. I thought those things didn't move very fast!

Our first camping trip of the season

Driving to the campground.

This last weekend, we ventured out for the first time camping. We had a nice break, because Kaleigh's parents had her for the weekend for a trial overnight visit. The boys loved it, and I was amazed at how much easier two kids are to handle once you've had three!! We encountered a little weather, but not too bad. Overall it was nice sunny 65degree weather.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Double Ear Infection

Well, Jake's now officially got double ear infection as well as this lingering respiratory crap. So he's on antibiotics now, which is at least helping a little. On a positive note, we went out to run some errands today, and I came home with all 3 kids, my purse, and the double stroller! I guess it's a step in the right direction. Wakka Wakka

Monday, June 9, 2008

Root Beer Floats

Last evening we had some friends over for an impromtu brats and root beer floats supper. It was great, and lucky for us it stopped raining in time to eat the floats outside!

Totally an Airhead

Still recovering from this last illness has made life a little tough. We're not getting as much play time cuz the kids are too tired, and over all life just still isn't much fun. This past weekend we attempted to go to an Air Show at the Buffalo Airport. This is when I discovered our double stroller was missing. How do you lose a double stroller you ask? Well lets start by retracing my steps last week. Wed we went to Walmart to get some groceries for Joel's potluck, I had the stoller then, but that's when I lost my purse. THANKFULLY an honest person found it and turned it in without stealing anything from me. Thursday Joel took his potluck to work-only to find out it was actually on Friday, and I took the kids to the MD. I used the stoller at the MD, and specifically remembered taking it out into the parking lot. Friday we didn't go anywhere cuz the kids were too sick. Saturday same thing, ran a couple errands but otherwise stuck around the house. So that leads us to Sunday. The day we discovered the loss. After some help from Kaleigh's mom (who was at the MD with us) she reminded me of Ryan's wasp sting, and that maybe I forgot to load the stroller after their appts. Once again, THANKFULLY someone turned in our stroller to the clinic and they put it away until I came and claimed it. I hope to get by brain and short term memory back once this illness passes, until then, if everyone could help me at least not forget a child somewhere.....I'd be most appreciative. Goofy

Friday, June 6, 2008

More corn on the cob

The other day, Ryan's friend Colt and his brother Ty came over while their mom ran some errands. The two boys LOVE corn on the cob, so I made some for dinner.

Sick again

Ryan passed out asleep on the living room floor.

Jake desperately just wants to be held.

It's been a few healthy weeks for us all around here, but we finally caught another bug. I have an upper respiratory infection and possible strep (I opted not to test since I was going on antibiotics anyway). Now, it appears the kids are getting it as well. Jake got hit first, and hard. Kaleigh next, and Ryan pulling up the rear. Ryan and I have no almost no voices, Jake still has his, and is using it mostly to cry. Poor kids it's no fun being sick and they've had more than their share this year. Thankfully it hasn't been the best of weather outside, so we haven't missed out on any sunny days at least.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Stung again

Last fall, Ryan got stung on his finger by a wasp while getting into his carseat. Luckily he didn't seem to have much of an adverse reaction. I watched his breathing, gave him some Benadryl, and called the pediatrician who said not to worry unless his breathing changes. Well, the poor guy got stung AGAIN today, on his finger while loading up to come home from the Dr's office. At first I couldn't figure out what happened, he was crying so loud and hard. Then he finally calmed down and said the "bug hurt me". I immediately thought of a bee/wasp, looked around the van and sure enough there was a big old wasp in the front of the van. His finger swelled, and I gave him some Benadryl and lots of kisses. Thankfully he doesn't seem to be allergic (can you be to wasps?). He's now sleeping peacefully (thanks to the Benadryl no doubt) and hopefully will have forgotten about it when he gets up from his nap.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

New truck, new tires

We recently purchased a new to us 3/4 ton pickup. Our old one is still in working condition, it's just not big enough to pull our camper and haul 5 people, 2 dogs, and gear. The new tires arrived today while we were at the picnic, or maybe I should say the new toys arrived.

Picnic in the Park....indoor style

In the summer, our local ECFE task force hosts weekly picnics with entertainment. This time due to weather concerns, it had to be held at the school in the multi purpose room. The kids had so much fun. I don't think they even cared it was indoors. They ran around the whole time, pig piled, danced to Bob and the Beachcombers live entertainment, and scarcely had time to eat.