Friday, April 24, 2009

First Official False Alarm

Last night we decided to take the boat out for the first time. So we loaded up the kids, headed to Big Lake, and launched the boat. This is when #1 I started having some really good contractions, and #2 the boat had some prop issues (or something like that). Since we had all three kids, we decided to trailer the boat and head home instead of getting stranded out on the lake. My contractions continued to get stronger and closer together. After about 45 minutes, I decided to make some phone calls-have to get the kids taken care while Joel fed them supper, I packed my bag, the baby's bag, got all the kids' pj's and Jaz's equipment ready to go. We tossed them in the tub, and still my contractions continued to get stronger, and definitely timeable. Once the kids were in bed....that's it. End of story, they started spacing out, getting less intense, and I said "I quit" and went to bed. This has been going on-well off and on for almost two weeks already. I didn't have this with the last two. I've had Braxton Hicks (fake contractions) all 3 pregnancies, and I KNOW the difference. My OB said this happens a lot with repeat pregnancies-the body gets ready for weeks ahead of time. It's bad enough playing the waiting game at the end of your pregnancy, but to have this, and to feel like such a fool for putting everybody on alert...the 3rd time around-well let's just say I'll be a lot more sure before I make phone calls next time it happens.

Waiting to go on the boat

Tired and DIRTY!!

Jazmin has ice cream

Because of her slight oral aversion from her trach, there are certain foods Jazmin doesn't like to eat. One category is really cold things. We've tried to get her to eat ice cream, popsicle, drink ice water etc...but she's not really interested. That is until yesterday. It was the first 80 degree day in 208 days according to Fox 9, and we busted out the ice cream treats. Normally I'll try to get her to have a bite of mine, or I'll give her something else. Not this time, she followed the boys around like a hawk trying to get at their treats, so I gave her one and let her go to town. She ate every last bite that didn't end up melting on the driveway and she tried to eat some of that too!

Spring Planting

Kids Playing

Found him asleep with this hat on.

If you look closely at this last one, you'll see they are standing around the power wheel jeep with the hood up. It wasn't working too well, so I guess they wanted to diagnose the problem. Turns out...the batteries needed to be charged.

Easter and Dermann

This year, Joel's birthday fell on Easter. We decided to stay home and host whomever wanted to show up and celebrate. It was a smaller crowd, only about a dozen of us, but it was cozy and the food was good (even if I do say so myself). The kids had fun with an Easter egg hunt, and then found the baskets that Dermann left for them. Who's Dermann you might ask? Well that's the Easter bunny's name. A few weeks ago Auntie Kendall was up for a visit, while we were putting the kids to bed, the subject of Easter came up. Kendall asked what the bunny's name was, and after a few false attempts, Ryan decided it was Dermann. The name wasn't mentioned after that for weeks, but as we got closer to Easter, I was telling the kids that there would be eggs to find, and baskets of goodies left by the bunny. Ryan said "oh, Dermann?" I think I can safely say that nothing that comes out of my mouth is safe from possible repetition anymore.

Computer's Down....

I feel like I am forever saying that. Either blog problems, or computer problems. Right now I'm typing on a laptop...same one I borrowed 2 months ago and have never returned (Thanks Jenny, you're the bomb). I hate laptops. I'm used to an ergonomically correct keyboard, a mouse, and all my programs being right where I left them. Now I'm "forced" to use not only an "old fashioned" keyboard, but one on a laptop, so it seems even smaller to my fat preggers fingers. Plus, I have to choose between a mouse and my photo card, so if I want to put pictures on, it takes me even longer to use the scroll pad....I'm telling you life is rough. Now, I'm done complaining, and I'll try to get some real posts on here! :)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Joel (yesterday)

It's virtually impossible to get a shot with all three kids in it, let alone get more than one of them smiling! This was the best shot I could get.

Some gratuitous shots over the past few weeks

Our trip out of town

Taken at the gas station from my rear-view mirror.

Looking out at Pound dog and Todd. Playing in the fort Nana made.
Jazmin loved the fort, she sat in it for over an hour!

Totally knocked out from playing so hard.

A few weeks ago, I headed out of town with the kids. First we went to Lake Crystal for a farewell party for our dear friend Efraim who will be deploying to Afghanistan for 400+ days in the near future. We wish him safety, healthy, and a speedy return to his family. From there, Joel headed home to demolish and then renovate our entryway, while I headed to Kendall's with the kids for a few days. We finally busted out the portable DVD player since I knew it was a lot of driving, and I would be doing it by myself. The kids were ANGELS!!! (side note~now Ryan asks me "mom are we going that far?" cuz I told him why we don't use it all the time; cuz we're not going that far) We spent the first few days at Kennie and Bobby's playing with Maggie, driving in the big blue semi, racing and chasing with Pound-dog, etc.
After a couple days, it was off to Nana and Papa's house. Here the kids played at the park, "helped" Nana at her Subway, raced and chased with Oscar (at a much slower pace) and just had another great time. Nana made a fort and they played in it for well over an hour, probably closer to two hours. That's saying something, cuz the forts I make last like 10 minutes before they tear them down and want a new one.
Then it was off to our house, to see the damage, err progress Joel made while we were away.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Not sure what's up

I can't seem to get my computer to allow me to add pictures, or even "real" blog updates. I'm hoping to get it figured out soon. Keep checking-Abby