Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Jake's first birthday....

Today is Jake's birthday! Hard to believe he's already a year old. He's such a little man already, but he's still my baby. We're having a party for him this weekend with all the grandparents and aunts/uncles. Unfortunately, we've all been stricken with a NASTY stomach bug. It hit Ryan first-and the hardest, then me, then Joel, then Jake. I hoped we would be able to spare Kaleigh, but at her 4 mo check up the pediatrician thought she had it too. Bummer for us all. Hopefully we'll be healthy by this weekend, and I'll get the house "aired" out so we don't get anyone else sick. Due to the illness, we haven't been able to get over to see baby Braeden. Hopefully we'll be able to soon. Danny says they're doing well. Anyway, Happy Birthday Jacob Kendall!! We'll put pictures up after the party.

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